Having IMPACTT 5:
Advancing Microbiome Research
Sept 22-24, 2025

Join us for this exciting 2.5 day symposium in the beautiful Rocky Mountains that will highlight the latest microbiome research from across Canada and around the world.

About The Symposium

IMPACTT (Integrated Microbiome Platforms for Advancing Causation Testing and Translation) and the IMC (International Microbiome Centre) are organizing the Having IMPACTT 5: Advancing Microbiome Research Symposium on Sept 22-24, 2025. Our symposium is of interest to microbiome researchers, clinicians, trainees, and members of industry.

Our goal is to bring together leading minds and highlight the latest findings and new discoveries from microbiome research teams across Canada and around the world. From causation testing to translational studies, world-class researchers will share their findings on how our microbiome shapes our health, and how we can harness the power of our microbes to improve global wellbeing.

If you’d like to be kept updated about our 2025 symposium, click the “Stay Updated” button below and fill in your contact info. We’ll let you know as soon as new details are released.

Symposium Location

The Malcolm Hotel
321 Spring Creek Drive
Canmore, AB, Canada

Daily Schedule

Our symposium will take place Sept 22-24, 2025 over 2.5 days.
Our daily schedule:

Monday, 22 Sept 2025
09:00 AM – 6:00 PM (MDT)
Tuesday, 23 Sept 2025
08:30 AM – 6:00PM (MDT)
Wednesday, 24 Sept 2025
08:30 AM – 12:30 PM (MDT)

Session Topics

Session 1: Microbiome in Early Life
Session 2: Innovative Approaches for Elucidating Microbiome Function
Session 3: Harnessing the Microbiome
Session 4: Microbiome, Metabolites & Disease
Session 5: Microbiome Regulation in Cancer & Cancer Therapy
Special Topic:
Microbiome Sequencing & Computational Development

Short talks (10 min), flash talks (3 min), and poster presentations will be chosen from abstract submissions.

Intimate Setting
Our smaller size and communal meals facilitate connection and networking opportunities. Registration is capped at 175 so don't wait!
Register Today
World-Class Research
New and impactful microbiome research from Canadian and International teams.
Submit an Abstract
Incredible Views
Mountains in every direction! Don't forget to book your stay with us at the Malcolm Hotel.
Book Your Stay
Delicious Meals
Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are included in your registration!
Learn More

Speaker Lineup

Keynote Speakers

John F. Cryan, PhD  | University College Cork, Ireland

Plenary Speakers

Jayne Danska, PhD  | Hospital for Sick Children | University of Toronto, Canada

Oliver Harrison, DPhil  | Benaroya Research Institute | University of Washington, USA

Paul Kubes, PhD  | University of Calgary, Canada

Mercedes Gomez de Agüero, PhD | University of Würzburg, Germany

Sam Light, PhD  | University of Chicago, USA

Carolina Tropini, PhD  | University of British Columbia, Canada

Romina Goldszmid, PhD  | National Institutes of Health, USA

Emma Allen-Vercoe, PhD  | University of Guelph, Canada

Irah King, PhD  | McGill University, Canada

Meriem Messaoudene, PhD  | Université de Montréal, Canada

William Hsiao, PhD | Simon Fraser University, Canada

IMPACTT Mentee Speakers

Aline Ignacio, PhD University of Calgary, Canada 

Charlène Roussel, PhD | University of Ottawa, Canada

Akinola Alafiatayo, PhD | Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

Karen Lithgow, PhD | University of Calgary, Canada


Due to venue size restrictions, registration is capped at 175 attendees and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Click on the “Stay Updated” button below and we’ll let you know as soon as registration opens!

Early Bird Rates*

*While tickets last

Students & Postdocs: $450
Academic Faculty & Staff: $550
Industry Members: $650

Prices in Canadian Dollar (CAD)

Regular Rates (Apr 18, 2023 – May 27, 2024)*

*While tickets last

Students & Postdocs: $550
Academic Faculty & Staff: $650
Industry Members: $750

Prices in Canadian Dollar (CAD)

What’s Included?

Your registration fee includes access to all talks and sessions, as well as breakfast, lunch + snacks on days 1 & 2 of the symposium, and breakfast + snack on day 3. A cash bar will be available during the poster presentation sessions.

Abstract Submission

If you’d like to present your research at our symposium, we will be selecting abstracts for Short Talk, Flash Talk, and Poster Presentations. The abstract submission form will be available as soon as registration opens – so make sure you sign up for our updates list and we’ll notify you as soon as these dates are released!

If you’d like to present your research at the symposium, please follow the instructions below to download the abstract submission form, fill it out, and submit it.

  • We are still accepting submissions for late-breaking abstracts for poster presentation!
  • Note that registration is not complimentary for presenters and is required in order to attend & present at the symposium.
  • Poster dimensions: 115cm x 115 cm (45″ x 45″)

If you’d like to present your research at the symposium, please follow the instructions below to download the abstract submission form, fill it out, and submit it.

  • Note that registration is not complimentary for presenters and is required in order to present at the symposium. Last year our symposium sold out before abstract decisions were made, so make sure you register soon to guarantee a spot.
  • If you’re a postdoc or graduate student, don’t forget to check the travel award application box in the abstract submission form!
  • Poster dimensions: 115cm x 115 cm (45″ x 45″)

How to Submit Your Abstract

  1. Download the abstract submission form here
  2. Fill out the form. Rename the form “Lastname_Firstname_IMPACTT2025”
  3. Submit your form by email to [email protected] with the subject line “IMPACTT 2025 Abstract Submission”

New abstract submission deadline: April 17, 2024

Awards for Presenters

We will have a number of sponsored awards available for presenters selected from abstract submissions, including for Short Talk, Flash Talk, and Poster Presentations!

Keep an eye on this space for updates about award types and amounts.

Awards for Presenters

We have a number of sponsored awards available for presenters selected from abstract submissions:

Award amounts in Canadian Dollar (CAD). Awards will be presented during the closing ceremony of the symposium on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

Travel & Accommodation

Malcolm Hotel

We have a room block reserved for attendees on-location at the Malcolm Hotel. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis and rates range from $360 – $440 per night plus taxes/fees.

The room block will be released with instructions on how to book once registration opens. Join our updates list so you don’t miss out!

Malcolm Hotel

We have a room block reserved for attendees on-location at the Malcolm Hotel. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis and rates range from $360 – $440 per night plus taxes/fees.

To book your room, please call 403-812-0680 and quote code “IMPACTT”, or book online following the instructions below:

1. Got to www.malcolmhotel.ca
2. Select your check-in and check-out dates and click “Book Now”. Please note that it may look like all the rooms are sold-out at this stage – this is because the rooms in our room block don’t show up for the general public.
3. Scroll towards the bottom of the page, click on the “Add Code” drop down and select the “Group Attendee” option.
4. Enter the code “IMPACTT” and click “Add”, then click the “Select & Go to the Next Step” button on the resulting popup, and finally click “Update Dates of Stay” at the bottom of the page. This will bring you to a list of available rooms in our room block.
5. Select your preferred room type, then click “Add Room & Checkout”.
6. Enter all information required. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided.

*Please note: If some room types are showing up as not available online, please call 403-812-0680 and quote code “IMPACTT” and the hotel will do their best to find you a room or combination of rooms for your stay.

Roommate Finder

We have also launched a roommate finder. If you’re looking to offset accommodation costs and are interested in staying with a roommate at the Malcolm Hotel or another nearby hotel, please fill out your information, including name, email, and check-in/check-out dates.

Please note that IMPACTT will not be monitoring this form, and it will be up to you to contact potential roommates and organize room bookings.

Banff Airporter Shuttle

Receive a 15% discount on the Banff Airporter’s daily shuttle service between the Calgary International Airport (YYC) and the Coast Hotel in Canmore. The Coast Hotel is a short 7 min walk or a 2 min cab ride from the Malcolm Hotel.

Go to the Banff Airporter website and click “Book Now”. Proceed through the reservation and enter the code IMPACTT2025 in the “Promo Code?” section on the final payment page to receive the discount.

Note: The discount code works up to 2 weeks before the event starts. To guarantee availability, make a reservation at least a month prior to travel.

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Learn about how you can become a sponsor for our symposium!

Please fill out the form below or email [email protected] and we’ll send you our sponsorship prospectus.