Improve Human Immunology Research with CAN-ASC

The Canadian Autoimmunity Standardization Core (CAN-ASC) was funded in 2018 by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) in order to provide guidance on best practices in human immunology research, focusing on methods in translational autoimmune research. Led by Dr. Megan Levings, CAN-ASC team members are a consortium of Canadian researchers and clinician-scientists who are experts in clinical immunology, sex & gender, and the ethics of translational research. CAN-ASC supports and facilitates high-quality human immunology research by generating and disseminating standardized protocols and providing training for pre-clinical and clinical researchers in the form of workshops, travel grants for lab exchanges and webinars. 

The webinars, which include topics such as Ethics, Clinical Trials, and Autoimmunity, are available on-demand here.

CAN-ASC also has a publications section that includes Sex & Gender publications that can be found here.

Follow CAN-ASC on Twitter @CanASC_news.