Dr. Brett Finlay and Dr. Marie-Claire Arrieta (IMPACTT Platform 2 Co-Lead) have written an engaging and important book called Let Them Eat Dirt: Saving our Children from an Oversanitized World. In the book, they explain how the millions of microbes that live in our bodies influence childhood development, and why an imbalance in those microbes can lead to obesity, diabetes, and asthma, among other chronic conditions. They also describe how–from conception on–parents can take concrete steps to positively impact their children’s long-term health.
The authors delve into the role of microbes in everything from pregnancy nutrition and birthing methods to choices about feeding and lifestyle (“Should we have a pet?” “Should I give my child an antibiotic and a probiotic?” “Should I let them play with a friend who’s ill?”).
Watch Part 1 of the documentary below
More about the film:
Website: http://letthemeatdirt.com/about-the-d…
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/letthemeatdirt/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kidsandmicrobes
Buy the book on the website.

Check out Dr. Finlay’s and his daughter’s new book on the Whole Microbiome here!