Platform 5
Computational Development

Our Platform 5 Experts

Dr. Celia Greenwood IMPACTT Lead Computational development for multi-omic linkages platform 5
Dr. Celia Greenwood
Dr. Brinkman Fiona IMPACTT lead Computational development for multi-omic linkages platform 5
Dr. Brinkman Fiona
Dr. William Hsiao IMPACTT Lead Computational development for multi-omic linkages platform 5
Dr. William Hsiao

“We aim to develop novel computational tools and enhance availability and usage of open-source bioinformatics and statistical modelling platforms to advance capability in innovative and high-quality analysis of microbiome data.”

Additional expertise provided by Dr. Irina Dinu at the University of Alberta, and Dr. Robert Beiko and Dr. Morgan Langille at Dalhousie University.

What We Offer

Development of New Computational Tools

Our experts are continuously developing new open-access computational tools to analyze microbiome data more accurately and efficiently, as well as posting relevant tutorials.

Data Analysis Support

Get access to bioinformatics and data analysis support for microbiome researchers. Contact us for more details.

Other Resources

Bioinformatics Communities has resources for the bioinformatics community in Canada, including a lists of bioinformatics experts, job postings, education programs/workshops, and upcoming bioinformatics activities. See on GitHub for workshops, repositories, and more.

QIIME 2 Forum is the official forum for the QIIME 2 community, providing user, developer, and technical support. QIIME 2 (Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology 2) is a next-generation microbiome bioinformatics platform that is extensible, free, open source, and community developed.

Qiita, related to QIIME 2, is an open-source microbial study management platform, allowing users to keep track of multiple studies with multiple omics data. Users can both store and analyze their microbiome data using this platform, and can access the raw data of hundreds of microbiome studies.

Articles & Publications

Contact us if you don’t have access to these publications.

Bertelli et al. 2019. Microbial Genomic Island Discovery, Visualization and Analysis. Brief Bioinformatics. 20(5): 1685-1698.

Knight et al. 2018. Best practices for analysing microbiomes. Nat Rev Microbiol. 16: 410-422.

Peabody et al. 2015. Evaluation of Shotgun Metagenomics Sequence Classification Methods Using in silico and in vitro simulated communities. BMC Bioinformatics. 16(362): 1-19.

Basik et al. 2013. Biopsies: Next-Generation Biospecimens for Tailoring Therapy. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 10: 437-450.

Kelly & Greenwood. 2013. A sequence of methodological changes due to sequencing. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 13(5): 470-477.

Langille et al. 2010. Detecting Genomic Islands Using Bioinformatics Approaches. Nat Rev Microbiol. 8: 373-782.

Hamid et al. 2009. Data Integration in Genetics and Genomics: Methods and Challenges. Hum Genom Proteom. 2009(869093): 1-13.

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